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NNergix develops a solar forecasting tool for the World Bank Group

At a Glance

At NNergix we are proud to announce that, after months of efforts with the World Bank Group and the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP), we have brought the Solar PV Forecast tool to life. Released in February 2021 and available through this link, the Solar PV Forecast tool is free, web-based and aimed at improving access to solar forecasting in order to make it a common practice among dispatch centers.

The World Bank Group, ESMAP and NNergix

The Solar PV Forecast Tool is powered by NNergix’s application Sentinel Solar and integrated as part of a larger ecosystem developed by the World Bank Group,, which provides open-source access to datasets and data analytics relevant to the energy sector.

Supported by partners such as Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the Georgia Institute of Technology, The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory or the World Resources Institute, has been developed as a public good available to governments, development organizations, private sector, non-governmental organizations, academia, civil society and individuals to share data and analytics that can help achieving the UNSDG number 7: ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

In addition, thanks to initiatives like this one, not only can low and middle-income countries reduce poverty and boost growth through sustainable energy solutions, but any individual or organization can come to understand the urgent need for an efficient energy transition.

How it Works

  1. Select the location of your solar PV system using the Search bar

  2. Select the type of PV system a) Rooftop b) Ground based c) Floating

  3. Introduce the power capacity

  4. Click “Save location”

You are done! Just check the tab “Power forecasts” to display the forecast for 7 days ahead, hourly resolution power forecast for your PV plant.

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